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Helpful Resources for Citizens

Dane Undivided has begun the process of constructing written and video guides for grassroots tools that you can use to powerful effect. Our first offering is one of the most versatile tools we can offer you to start holding state and local government officials and agencies accountable. More resources will be added soon. Please check back for additional documents and videos!

NEW! A Crash Course in Open Records: Obtaining Hidden Information from State and Local Government in Wisconsin (PDF)

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  • Trying to gain insight into what state or local government is up to?

  • Tired of just accepting official narratives?

  • Feeling railroaded by lies or obfuscation? 

  • Want to start shining light on corruption?


Empower yourself! Start using Wisconsin's strong open records laws to your advantage. Gaining a basic understanding of the rights you have under state law will enable you to obtain nearly any type of existing public record from a state or local official or agency. If you just know how to write and send an open records request, you'll find that emails, invoices, memoranda, curricula, public oaths, surveillance or body cam footage, and much, much more are yours for the asking. This PDF crash course  provides you with all of the basics and beyond. Click the image to download your free copy!

NEW! A Crash Course in Open Records: Obtaining Hidden Information from State and Local Government in Wisconsin (VIDEO)

This clear, concise 20-minute video contains the most important information from our PDF guide on open records. It's everything you'll need to start writing and submitting open records requests without delay. Still have questions, want additional insights, or need help in troubleshooting a tricky open records situation? No problem, you can still access the PDF above and download a free copy of your own!

Watch the full video version here or, for a more comfortable viewing experience, head over to Rumble.

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